Saturday, 31 March 2012


Features of New Media/ Differences Between New And Old Media / Key characteristics  

The phrase new media was first used in the 1960’s. New media are digital form such as chip, CD converted from analogue media(film, cosset). Their fundamental characteristics are free and unlimited access to data and its copying without losing quality and interactivity. The means of transmission  by cable, satellite and radio have immensely increased the capacity to transmit by applying communication technology.
According to McQuail, the ‘Internet’ should definitely be considered a new medium. The Internet is associated with new media, in contrast to traditional media.  It is used for production and broadcasting of news, but also for processing exchange and storing of information. The internet and other new media can used for both private and public communication and their functioning does not have to be professional or organized in a bureaucratic way as is the cast with traditional mass media.  The internet is the only truly free and autonomous medium which allows anyone to articulate their needs and express their objections.

Uniqueness: Some media forms are now distributed across different type of transmission channel reducing the original uniqueness of form and experience in use.

Convergence: The increasing convergence of different media by use of technology.  Globalizing tendencies are raised and reducing the distinctiveness of any particular national variant of media content and institution. The continuing treads towards integration of national and global media corporations, have led to the housing of different media under the same roof, encouraging convergence by another route.

New Media as a medium: Not only concerned with the production and distribution of messages but equally concerned with processing, exchange and storage. As much an institution of private as of public communication and regulated or not regulated accordingly. Their operation is not typically professional or bureaucratically organized to the same degree as mass media.

Authors: There are increased opportunities through Internet Desktop Publishing, Blogging etc. The traditional publication function of gate keeping, editorial intervention and validation of authorship will not be affected here.

Publishers: Opportunities for self expression are celebrated by the new media. The role as a publisher became easy and sophisticated function through social net work sites even it has become more ambiguous

Interactivity: Traditional media was essentially one directional while the new media are interactive. The interactivity possible through various tools such as comments box or mailing , chatting etc

Social Presence: Sociability experienced by the user, the sense of personal contact with others that can be engendered by using this new medium Example:skype

Media richness: the extent to which media can bridge different frames of reference, reduce ambiguity, provide more cues, involve more senses and more personal.

Autonomy: The degree to which a user feels in control of content and use. The technologies shift power from elite group to a greater proportion of media user’s content. Anyone can produce content through new media.

Playfulness: It is one of the main characteristics of new media of its uses for entertainment and enjoyment as against utility and instrumentality.

Privacy: associated with use of medium and its typical or chosen content

Personalization : The degree to which content and uses are person and with their uniqueness

Categories of New Media

Interpersonal communication media: Content   is private and perishable and the relationship established and reinforced may be more important than information conveyed. For example email, comment box

Interactive play media Play: These are mainly computer based and video games plus virtual reality devices. For ex:Video games

Information Search media : This is wide category besides the content the mobile  telephone is also increasingly a channel for information retrieved. Example WWW-World wide web

Collective participatory media- The categories includes especially the uses of the internet for sharing and exchanging information, ideas, and experience and developing active personal relationship.  For ex: Face book and social websites.

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