Meaning of Media
Mass communication occurs when a small number of
people send messages to a large anonymous and heterogeneous audience through
the use of specialized communication media. Otherwise the mass communication
represents the creation and sending of a homogeneous message to a large
heterogeneous audience through the media.
The units of analysis for mass communication are messages, the medium
and the audience. The mass communication theories are which explain the relationship between media
and society.
Agenda setting theory
Media focuses on the characters of issues how people should think about.
Agenda setting theory used in political ad, campaigns, business news, PR (public relation) etc.The main effects of the news media are to be agenda setting. It is usually referred as a function of mass media and not a theory. The basic ideas of the theory can be to the work of Walter Lippman a prominent American Journalist.
Walter Lippmann

The media agenda setting function is a three process
- Media agenda: issues discussed in the media
- Public agenda: issues discussed and personally relevant to the public
- Policy agenda: Issues that policy makers consider important
The main concept associated with the agenda setting theory is gate keeping, Priming and framing
Gate keeping controls over the selection of content discussed
in the media. It is especially editors media itself is a gatekeeper. News
media decides ‘what’ events to admit through media ‘gates’ on ground of
‘newsworthiness’.For e.g.: News Comes from various sources, editors choose what should
appear and what should not that’s why they are called as gatekeepers.
Priming: Activity of the media in proposing the values and standards by which objects of the media attention can be judged. Media’s content will provide a lot of time and space to certain issues, making it more vivid.To say in simple words, Media is giving utmost importance to a news so that it gives people the impression that is the most important information. This is done everyday the particular news is carried as a heading or covered everyday for months. Headlines, Special news features, discussions, expert opinions are used. Media primes a news by repeating the news and giving it more importance E.g. Nuclear deal., Kudankuam, Mullaiperiyar issue.
Framing:Framing is a process of selective control
- Way in which news content is typically shaped and contextualized within same frame of reference.
- Audience adopts the frames of reference and to see the world in a similar way. It is how people attach importance to a news and perceive it context within which an issue is viewed.
We can take India and Pakistan war; same happening is framed in different ways in both the countries. So depending on which media you view your perception will differ.
/Positive Effects
Media plays a
more vital role.
It gives us
serious topics detrimental to politicians and other public figures.
It gives a
chance to know more about our loved ones.
It give a way to well being of our freedom and
to gather general information.
Negative Side
The information
are getting is biased
It does not
allow for us to select what we feel is important.
A case: A German Journalist: The European Media Writing Pro-US Stories Under CIA Pressure
Post Categories: Afghanistan RT |
Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 13:10 Beijing
German journalist and
editor Udo Ulfkotte says he was forced to publish the works of intelligence
agents under his own name, adding that noncompliance ran the risk of being
“I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by
agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret
service,” Ulfkotte told Russia Insider. “One day the BND (German foreign intelligence agency) came to my
office at the Frankfurter Allgemeine in Frankfurt. They wanted me to write an
article about Libya and Colonel Muammar Gaddafi…They gave me all this secret
information and they just wanted me to sign the article with my name,” Ulfkotte told RT.
“That article was how Gaddafi tried to secretly build a poison
gas factory. It was a story that was printed worldwide two days later.”
Ulfkotte reveals all
this and more in his book ‘Bought Journalists,’ where he mentions that he feels
ashamed for what he has done in the past.
“It is not right what I have done in the past. To manipulate
people, to make propaganda. And it is not right what my colleagues do and have
done in the past because they are bribed to betray people not only in Germany,
but all over Europe,” he told RT. “I was a journalist for 25 years and I was educated to lie, to
betray, and not to tell the truth to the public.”
“I was bribed by the Americans not to report exactly the truth…I was invited by the German
Marshall Fund of the United States to travel to the US. They paid for all my
expenses and put me in contact with Americans they’d like me to meet,” he
“I became an honorary citizen of the state of Oklahoma in the US
just because I wrote pro-American. I was supported by the CIA. I have helped
them in several situations and I feel ashamed for that too.”Many other journalists are involved in the same
practice, Ulfkotte added.
“Most of the journalists you see in foreign countries, they
claim to be journalists and they might be. But many of them, like me in the
past, are so-called ‘non-official cover.’ It means you work for an intelligence
agency, you help them if they want you to. But they will never say they know
The journalists selected
for such jobs usually come from big media organizations. The relationship with
the secret service starts as a friendship.
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