Conduct your interview in an organized, timely
manner. During the interview:
1. Interviews for
stories – sound bites for packages or news clips
2. Face to Face
3. 2 way- interviews
as a correspondent to a presenter
Before going into
these categories, here are some common fundamentals.
Before the interview
• Choose a focus for
the interview. What’s the story?
• Choose the
interview carefully. Look for a real person, not just a spokesperson. You want
the person most closely involved, whatever their position as it is easier for
the audience to relate to someone who has direct knowledge or experience of a
subject. These people will also give fuller, more personal responses.
• Resist as much as
possible conditions set by the interviewee such as providing questions in
writing in advance, not editing the interview and letting him/her listen back
to the interview and retract anything he/she does not like.
• Discourage
anonymous contributors. Unless being identified would jeopardize their personal
safety or be against the law.
• Research the
interviewee. Before you go out and while interviewing. This will make you
confident and focused.
• Prepare yourself.
Write a few key words to remind you of the subjects you want to cover.
• Prepare the
interviewee. Explain what the interview is for. If all you need is a short
sound bite you don’t need to record a long properly structured interview.
However don’t leave until you have a sound bite which captures the essence of
the what the interviewee is saying, is no longer than 20 seconds and
• Check location.
Think about the visual and audio backdrop
• Assess risks to
yourself and the interviewee.
- Research, research, research. Then research some more. The only way to come up with good questions is to know everything there is to know about your subject.
- Contact the person you wish to interview. Ask when a good time would be to do the interview. Be polite! Say "please" and "thank you." Try to set up the interview in person. If this isn't possible, then set up a phone interview.
- Read over your research and brainstorm a list of 15 questions. The more specific your questions are, the better! And never ask questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Make your interviewee talk!
- Be sure to write all your questions down in a notebook, then practice asking them with a partner. Become very familiar with your questions before you go into the interview.
- Come prepared with:
During the interview
• Have an outline in
your head or on paper.
• Put questions
clearly, concisely and pertinently
• Check for jargon
• Listen to the
interviewee and react. Use body language when you want to interrupt.
• Make sure your
questions are specific. Asking a very general question invites the interviewee
to ramble on so instead of “what’s the government doing wrong?” ask which
government policy would you change first if you came to power?”
One of the hardest skills for a young reporter to master
is interviewing. It takes preparation and persistence to conduct a good
interview. Follow these steps and learn how to interview like a pro!
fore recording an
Be on time! Arrive at your
interview with plenty of time to spare. If you’ve never been to the place where
your interview is taking place, go early and scout it out. There is nothing
more unprofessional than a reporter who is late.
You can also use the time you are waiting to make notes
about the surroundings. You won’t remember details later, so write them down.
- Be courteous to your subject.
- Always take time to ask for an explanation about things you don't understand.
- Don’t be afraid of uncomfortable silences and pauses.
- Let the interview take its natural course.
- Look the person in the eye when asking questions.
- Always listen carefully to the answers. Each answer could lead to more questions or include an answer to a question you haven’t asked yet. Don't ask a question that has already been answered. Your subject will know you weren't listening and be insulted.
- Don't read through your questions one right after another like you can't wait to be finished. Conduct your interview like a conversation. One question should lead naturally into another. If you are LISTENING to the answers this will come naturally!
- Also, take notes on what the person looked like, what the person was wearing, where he or she sat. If the interview is in an office, make notes of what is on the walls and on the desk. The objects people surround themselves with hold important clues to their personalities. Ask about any object that interests you. You’ll find some good stories!
After the interview, while the details are still fresh in
your mind, write everything down you can remember about the person you
interviewed. Don’t forget to make note of the sounds in the background. Take
not of what was happening around you. Write it all down as soon as possible.
At home, expand your notes by following up on things you
learned in your interview with more research!
Review your research and your interview notes. Circle or highlight quotations that you think will be good for your
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