
Showing posts from December, 2019

Italian Renaissance -Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian Renaissance(ruh-nei-sawns)  In painting, this unique approach was characterized by spiritual iconography, flat compositions, unrealistic color palettes, and ethereal, other worldly figures.  In the 1300s, however, Italian artists based in Florence abandoned this distinctive aesthetic and adopted a more humanist approach to art.  It would  be known as the Italian Renaissance. Renaissance  Art The halfhearted or even ambiguous nature of this smile makes the iconic painting all the more enigmatic, prompting viewers to try to understand both the mood of its muse and the intention of its artist. . What are the “perfect” proportions? four fingers equal one palm four palms equal one foot six palms make one cubit four cubits equal a man’s height four cubits equal one pace 24 palms equal one man The Italian Renaissance occurred between the 14th and 17 centuries in Italy. Derived from the word  Rinascimento , o

story structure-Conflict and Character within Story Structure

The Basic Three Act Structure The simplest building blocks of a good story are found in the Three Act Structure. Separated by Plot Points, its Act 1 (Beginning), Act 2 (Middle), and Act 3 (End) . In the  Beginning  you introduce the reader to the setting, the characters and the situation (conflict) they find themselves in and their goal. Plot Point 1 is a situation that drives the main character from their "normal" life toward some different conflicting situation that the story is about.  Great  stories often begin at  Plot Point 1 , thrusting the main character right into the thick of things, but they never really leave out Act 1, instead filling it in with back story along the way. In the  Middle  the story develops through a series of complications and obstacles, each leading to a mini crisis. Though each of these crises are temporarily resolved, the story leads inevitably to an ultimate crisis—t

Newspaper Article Format 1) Headline

 In newspapers we find lot of news. They are printed in a uniform type and font size. They divide and exhibit various news separately for the convenience of the readers. They follow various methods. They divide every page into vertical, rectangular/ boxes of news, put headlines in between these boxes so as to enable the reader to identify the news of his/her interest. A typical newspaper article contains five (5) parts: Headline: This is a short, attention-getting statement about the event.  Byline: This tells who wrote the story.  Lead paragraph: This has ALL of the who, what, when, where, why and how in it. A writer must find the answers to these questions and write them into the opening sentence(s) of the article.  Explanation: After the lead paragraph has been written, the writer must decide what other facts or details the reader might want to know. The writer must make sure that he/she has enough information to answer any important questions a reader might have after readi

One Recognition! Credit

Purpose Of Journalism

Guaranteeing all the freedoms  in 1948, the united nations said in article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights that “freedom of opinion and expression” implies the right to “seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers(boundaries).”   Guaranteeing human dignity Unesco’s constitution says the unrestricted pursuit of objective truth is indispensable to human dignity and freedom. Another objective of journalism is hold opposing views, committed to reporting reality as they see it, in an independent manner. Promoting democracy In democracies, independent journalism  may generate political apathy, also  journalists are neutralized Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth  journalism want to seek “a practical and functional form of truth. This “journalistic truth” is a process that begins with the professional discipline of assembling and verifying facts.journalists should be as transparent as