
Showing posts from October, 2019


According to Burgess and Locke , “Family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood or adoption; consisting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their social roles of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister creating a common culture” According to Elliot and Meril , “Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children. Family includes parents, siblings, spouse, and children, grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles, nephews, nieces etc. Families are of different sizes — nuclear , joint family.  Due to the vastly different structures in family and child raising practices, there is no universal influence on the individual. Types of Family: Though family is a universal institution, its structure or form varies from one society to another. Sociologists and anthropologists have mentioned about different types of families found in different cultures. Classification