Tuesday, 5 April 2022

three stages of programme production


There are three stages of programme production 

1. Pre production

2. Production 

3. Post production 

Pre-Production This stage includes everything you do before entering the studio or reaching the shooting location. It involves idea generation, research, scripting, discussions with all the crew members and talents (actors), arranging equipment, video / audio tapes, properties, costumes, sets designing or location hunting and booking of editing shifts. The first thing to know about any and every production is what you want the programme to look like, just like you need to know what you want to cook. 

  • This is the pre production stage. 
  •  need a clear idea of what you want to make. 
  •  understandable by the audience. 
  • Once the idea is clear, the next stage is how to get from the idea to the television image. 
  • To translate an idea on screen effectively you need a good and detailed script. 

Production This is the stage 

  • when you are on the studio floor or on location and are ready to shoot or are actually shooting. 
  • It includes managing all the facilities, handling of talent and crew members, 
  • controlling the crowd, 
  • shooting without hurdles and
  •  solving any problem related on the spot at that time.

 Post-Production This is the third stage of programme production. 

  • It is the stage when you get the final shape of the programme, 
  •  It includes cutting the recorded visuals into appropriate length, arranging the visuals in a proper sequence, 
  • use of desired effects for the visuals or text / captions, commentary recording, music/song recording, and 
  • inal assembly of the entire programme

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