Saturday, 2 April 2022

PRE PRODUCTION Radio/Television

  There are some common elements in planning radio programmes in different formats though the methodology of planning certain programmes . The programmes such as drama, music, sports, and others.. 

Let us have a look at some of these common elements. 

 Identifying the Aim and Defining the Scope

 In planning an effective Televison/Radio programme, the most important step is to identify the broad aim of the programme - whether the intended programme imparts education, whether it is informative, aimed to generate awareness or enrichment type or entertaining in nature. Working out objectives of a radio programme in clear-cut terms is an important part of the planning process because your entire effort is geared towards achieving those objectives. When a decision is taken on producing a programme on a particular subject, the next stage is conceptualization. The producer has to draw an outline of the programme indicating the main focus and other aspects that need projection. The scope is the framework on which planning is organized. It reflects the need assessment of the programme and production requirements

Content Planning and Research

Content planning begins when we collect and collate all the material connected with a subject. Selecting the right material help in content planning which must ensure that the programme does full justice to the subject chosen. Overload of information may defect a programme.

 If the subject is vast, you may plan a series of programmes to do full justice to the topic instead of cramming all information in a single programme.

If the producer has to prepare a programme on drinkers, for example, s/he has to study the subject including health, legal, social, anthropological and other aspects and consult a number of experts in the area.

 If the subject is complex or technical, the producer has to engage an expert to provide research inputs.

 Selection of Format In radio language/Television Language

the word ‘format’ is used to refer to the form of the programme such as the talk format, the story format, the feature format and so on. The scripts can be written in many basic formats such as talk, feature or documentary. The selection of format depends on its suitability to express a given idea to a given audience.

Selection of Scriptwriter and Other Talents

 In radio broadcast most of what goes on the air is written in advance. If it is a programme in the talk format the producer selects a talker who writes Audio Production the script. In the case of a feature, the producer writes the script himself or engages a scriptwriter.


The selection of a script writer is of crucial importance.

The producer has to brief the scriptwriter on the scope of the programme and ensure that the script meets the requirements of the programme. If the producer gets a good script, half the ‘battle’ of making a good programme is won. 

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