Monday, 31 January 2011

New Communication Technology

 Human Communication has progressed through four distinct phases. Each phase is associated with a specific form of communication. Telecommunication is transmission over a distance for the purpose of communication. The age of Telecommunication began with Samuel Morse’s electronic Telegraph in 1837 and was perpetuated by Marconi’s wireless communication in 1901. George Stibitz was able to transmit problem using teletype On sep 11, 1940. Telecommunication predominated among forms of communication until the advent of the computer in 1946.

Features of new communication Technology
Interactivity: Interactivity is a property in which the new communication technologies. It is capable of a much higher degree of interactivity than offered by the traditional communication technologies. In traditional communication, there is limited interactivity occurs after considerable delay and claim only a marginal interactivity.   While in new technology, the interactivity is the main property.
Convergent: There is an information flood because of the fibre optics, satellites and internet. In view of the cheap and easy availability of the IT, efforts are going on for the integration of radio, TV, computer and other modes of communication. This integration is feasible now because of the technological advancement. This integration, known as ‘convergence’ has been implemented in all the developed countries of the world. In India also convergence is in the process of implementation.    
Synchronicity: The term synchronicity refers to that property of the medium whereby the simultaneous presence of all the participants in a communication exercise is not compulsory. For example, in computer network, facilities like “store & forward “enables the message to be retrieved at convenient time other than one at which the message has actually been sent.
Demassification: Demassification refers to the extent to which a given technology can lend individualized communication. Teleconferencing or computer communication is high in their degasification, while teletext is at lower end of the degasifications ladder.
Integrated system: Collectively, technologies of the types described above will permit development of highly integrated system that will accept and deliver information in any form. The basic language probably will be computer code, but “translators” quickly will bridge gaps between system.
Effort Required: The source provide access to more information but require much greater user involvement in retrieval.
  1.  Information is always sought or selected rather than merely disseminated.
  2. Media systems require different levels of user activity.
  3. Activity varies with user as well as media.
  4. Person-machine interaction is a unique form of communication.
The use of computer: It is in one form or other. In our country computer network  are widely used by public sector organization , big business houses, government departments   Airways, Indian Railways, Higher Educational institution Universities, etc for their day to day transactions and a few states such as  Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh undertaking own computer network dedicated to managing their operations.
On a global level “internet” is the largest computer network which permeated almost all part of the world, composed thousands of interconnected networks mainly initiated by United States.

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