Tuesday, 9 December 2014


1883 Invention of flexible celluloid film
1891 Edison applies for patent for Kinetoscope peep hole film viewer.
1896 Vitascope projector unveiled-- first public showing of a motion picture to a large, paying audience
1903 Edwin S. Porter makes The Great Train Robbery. Film demonstrates new editing and camera innovations
1905 Birth of early movie houses called nickelodeons
1908 Start of Motion Pictures Patents Company (MPPC)
1915 Charlie Chaplin stars in The Tramp
1919 Independent film producers evade the restrictions of the MPPC by moving to Hollywood
1921 Rudolph Valentino stars in The Sheik
1927 The Jazz Singer, the first "talkie" is released
1928 Walt Disney releases Steamboat Willie, an animated cartoon starring a character that would become Mickey Mouse
1933-1948 The Studio Years. Big Hollywood studios come to dominate the industry
1939 Classic films StagecoachThe Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind are released
1941 Orson Welles produces and stars in Citizen Kane, considered by many to be the best American film ever made
1948 Court decision ends control of industry by big studios. Rise of independent filmmakers
1949 Film attendance drops; industry blames TV
1952 In an attempt to win back audiences, Hollywood introduces 3-D films and wide-screen Cinerama.
1956 Hollywood sees TV as ally. Starts to sell old film to television
1957-1965 Film attendance continues to decline. Hollywood studios start making TV series.
1967 Bonny and Clyde and The Graduate released. Films' anti-heroes appeal to a younger audience
1968 Motion Picture Association of America introduced G-PG-R-X film rating system
1972 The Godfather is released and starts a trend toward Mafia movies that will continue through two sequels and inspires TV's "The Sopranos."
1973 Star Wars, directed by George Lucas, ushers in era of the super-blockbuster
1975 Steven Spielberg directs Jaws, the first of his many successful movies
1980 Hollywood studios main suppliers of TV series
1988 Broadcast TV, cable TV and videocassette revenue eclipse theatrical box office as sources of film revenue
1990-1993 Disney and Universal open studios in Florida
1995 Number of movie screens continues to increase
1997 Titanic becomes biggest money-earning movie of all time
1999 Stars Wars: The Phantom Menace released in digital format

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