Tuesday, 9 December 2014

5. Difference between Spec Script and Shooting Script!

The story is just the idea; the screenplay has actually fleshed it out into dialogue and scenes to be shot as the film . Screenplay means how the topic written in story will be shown on screen. The script(screen play) for a movie, including descriptions of scenes and some camera directions.  It has various parts like how the character & location should look. How it enter & leave frame. What is camera movement etc.  It is the text for a film, including the words to be spoken by the actors and instructions for the cameras .
A script is a document that outlines every aural(audio), visual, behavioral, and lingual element required to tell a story.  Film is a VISUAL medium through it we cannt  tell our audience our story, we SHOW them.  We can learn to write a screenplay VISUALLY. The discipline of screenplay writing is how to show it on a screen. So just write the pictures, sounds, and speeches, and leave the rest for the filmmakers.

What is a “Spec Script”?

Spec Script. This is a script written  on the speculative hope that it will be sold. A spec script  is a document submitted for the following considerations:
1. As a project for outright purchase or option.
2. As a sample so others can evaluate your talent for a potential rewrite or “polish” on a project .
3. As a sample to introduce a screenwriter to an agent/manager for possible representation.

Descriptive narrative:  Give just enough description to set the scene. 


A Gunman races through the rocky canyon, his horse leaving a cloud of dust in its wake.

Descriptive character action:  

It is a description about  movement or expression your characters makes,  as she sips her tea and pets her black cat. 


Another difficult day behind her, Bev settles down with her cup of tea, her faithful black cat on her lap.

 Descriptive action sequences:  

Keep action scenes to a minimum.  No need to describe each thrust and parry as the two knights battle one another -- give just enough description to signal what the action is all about.  A major complaint from producers and execs is when action sequences are so heavily-detailed it becomes difficult to understand at first read.  Writers should keep it simple and allow the stunt coordinator and director to confer on the choreographic details, once your project is sold and green lit for production.

Spec Screenplay Page Properties

The Rules:
Screenplays are traditionally written on 8 1/2" x 11" white 3-hole punched paper. A page number appears in the upper right hand corner (in the header). No page number is printed on the first page. The type style used is the Courier 12 font. The top and bottom margins are between .5" and 1". The left margin is between 1.2" and 1.6". The right margin is between .5" and 1".
The extra inch of white space on the left of a script page allows for binding with brads, yet still imparts a feeling of vertical balance of the text on the page.
The Courier 12 font is used for timing purposes. One script page in Courier 12 roughly averages 1 minute of onscreen film time. Experienced readers can detect a long script by merely weighing the stack of paper in their hand.
Script Length
The average feature screenplay, traditionally, is between 95 and 125 pages long. In Hollywood these days scripts generally don't run longer than 114 pages. Comedy scripts are typically shorter, dramas longer. There are, naturally, variations. You could be writing an action-packed film where your description takes only 10 seconds to read, but will take 45 seconds of film time. Here's an example:
125 page scripts are considered on the long side for a screenplay. Length is a very important component of the script. When we turn in a script to a producer, the very first thing they  will do is fan through the pages and look at the last page to see how long it is. It doesn't matter if you've written the most incredible screenplay ever, if it's too long they may refuse to read it.
The Industry's aversion to long scripts is due to economic considerations. Films under two hours mean more showings per day in a theater, which means more revenue for the exhibitor, distributor, filmmaker, and possibly even you, the screenwriter.
 Typical feature film scripts run from 100 to 120 pages, which means that each page averages one minute of screen time.
What is a “Shooting Script”?
 Once a script is purchased, it often goes through a series of rewrites before it is put into production. that script becomes a 'Shooting Script' or Production Script.
All the scenes and shots of a shooting script are numbered and each scene and shot are broken down into all the component pieces required to film it. The production assistants and director can then arrange the order in which the scenes will be shot for the most efficient use of stage, cast, and location resources.
Shooting scripts contain more pages than spec scripts.  Shooting scripts are more detailed and may include the following:
• Scene numbers
• Large number of camera angles/directions
• Detailed special effects
• Detailed stuntwork/action sequences
• Specific information on sets, costumes, lighting
• Special notations regarding acting

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