1.The linear communication model. :This model is based on the idea of one-way communication
in which a message is simply sent from one person and received by another. This
model appears to be quite simple, The linear model of communication includes
several concepts. They are sender, receiver, message, channel, and noise.
2.The interactional model of communication. Circular Communication Model
interactional model of communication contains all of the concepts of the linear
model and adds the concept of feedback. Feedback is a response from the receiver
to the sender about the message.
Wilbur Schramm is one of the early theorists to demonstrate the model of
Communication as circular . The roles of encoder and decoder
are interchangeable. Thus, each person in the communication process is encoder
and decoder. This circular model also suggests the interesting notion that
these functions can go on simultaneously.
3. An Instructional Model: THE ROSS COMMUNICATION MODEL (1982)
Ross Model focuses on the human sign-symbol behavior. This model suggests the
importance of situation, mood, context, and psychological climate.
Situation could then make a real difference.
Mood refers to feelings of the moment. At different times our mood might be
happy, angry, tense, and so on. Our mood can greatly affect what we say or hear
and how we say or hear something. Context is the framework into which your
situation fits. Different contexts bring out different meanings
Well what a rich-research, keep it up...so helpful.