Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Indian Constitution

The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly. This Assembly was an
indirectly elected body. It is a rule of book of a nation. The document containing laws and rules which determine and describe the form of the government, the relationship between the citizens and the government. A constitution is the basic fundamental law of a State. It describes
the rights and duties of the citizens. It is,  considered to be the basis for the
governance of the country both in terms of goals and objectives as also their structures
and functions.The Constitution of India begins with a Preamble.

Functions of the Constitution 

 The Constitution is a political structure.  They have several functions.

a) Expression of Ideology:
it reflects the ideology and philosophy of a nation state.

b) Expression of Basic Law:
Constitutions present basic laws which could be modified or replaced through a process called extra ordinary procedure of amendment.

c) Organizational frame work:
It provides organizational framework for the governments. It defines the functions legislature, executive and judiciary, their inter-relationship, restrictions on their authority etc.

d) Levels of Government:
Constitution generally explains the levels of different organs of  the Government. .

e) Amendment provision:
There must be sufficient provisions for amendment of the Constitution. It should contain a set of directions for its own modifications.

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    Articles Of Indian Constitution
