Modern operation in New communication Technology
Teleconferencing: The telecommunication links required for conferencing system. Teleconferencing is a means by which individuals or group located at different places can exchange date, speech visual materials like graphs or diagrams or moving pictures. It is made possible by the integration of computer and communication. Depending on the particular application, scope and complexity involved in teleconferencing can be classified as computer teleconferencing, audio conferencing, Audio –Graphic conferencing, Video conferencing. It is accepted form of technology in advance countries especially for business communication. This technology popular in our country, because the necessary infrastructure like telephone links and satellite are already available.
- Minimal physical travel demanded of its participants.
- The significant factor is time saving,
- Economizing on time and travel
- Improving corporate efficiency
- Participator management
Teletext : Teletext is a form of broadcast technology by means of several pages of textual information(latest weather rep[ort, stock exchange figure)can be transmitted on an already existing television channel. TV station equipped with a teletext service , normally update the information in regular intervals, say very half an hour, for the benefit of the views. The Delhi Station of Doordarshan provides a teletext service on the second channel. About 300 teletext pages can be accommodated per TV channel and a collection of these pages goes by the name of teletext magazines. The magazine contains specific pages earmarked for national and international news, travel information, sports, local announcement, and weather report. A few main pages of the magazine also put out in the picture mode
Radio text : It is known as Radio date system (RDS). Radio text is a technology similar to Teletext but with the important different that it works in conjunction with FM Radio while teletext works on Television. It is to be seen as value added service on FM Radio.
Videotex : It is another form of interactive communication technology which is inside usage in several advanced countries. It operates with the help of the public telephone connection on the domestic TV set/ computer screen form integral component of a videotext system. Customer provided with videotext facilities can make use of it for such varied applications as electronic shopping, access to data bases, tele-banking, or exchanging messages with friends.
Telephone: Optical Fiber provides cheaper bandwidth for long distance communication. In this technology the ATM protocol allows for side by side data
Communication Satellite: Communication Satellites are owned by various individual nations as well
as collectively by group of nation cater to several applications like broadcasting, television, and Telecommunication. INTELSAT (International Telecommunications Satellite Consortium) is an International body consisting of more than 90 member countries of India is one. The Satellite commissioned by INTELSAT cater to the collective needs of the members countries as per as mutually agreed tariff structure. Ground terminals known as earth stations for receiving or sending signals from or to the satellites are located in several places in the member countries.

In India two such earth stations have been established for the INTELSAT network one in Pune and the other near Dehradun. Most of the international telecommunication traffic and exchange with other countries of live coverage of events takes place via the INTELSAT network.
India credited with taking several major initiatives in the field of satellite communications. The famous SITE (Satellite Instructional Television Experiment) during 1975-76, in which about 2400 remote villages in the country were served with television programs via satellite.
Our country developed its own satellite system, INSAT (Indian National Satellite System) . INSAT is multipurpose satellite service catering to telecommunications, radio and TV transmission and weather forecasting.
Publishing: Many national newspapers which are published simultaneously from multiple location take advantage of satellite communicationfor instant transmission of their pages from the publishing center to another.
For example the Hindu has arrangements for publishing its Delhi edition by transmitting pages from Madras to Delhi through INSAT.
The star TV programs that we receive in our home TV set, reach us by means of satellite
Similarly a long distance telephone call may get connected via satellite. Use of Information Technology in Journalism: Journalism is a field where use of information technology started in a natural and imperative manner. Information dissemination, an important objective of journalism is reflected by the term information technology. The contemporary journalism has been witnessing an efficient use of information technology. This use has given birth to web journalism as a new journalistic-genre. Apart from electronic media like Radio and TV, newspapers have also been using information technology for their works. Nowadays almost all the leading newspapers have their websites. The web newspapers (portal) have also come into existence. The and are such portals. Media is the biggest user of V-SAT the latest satellite technology. The news is more benefited from the satellite technique and information technology. Earlier the news agencies had to spend a lot of money for sending the news stories to their clients through ticker lines (leased telephone lines). The communication with the clients is easier and faster now because of the V-SAT and internet. This efficient communication has curtailed the expenses of the news agencies up to one-fourth. More revolutionary changes are expected in the days to come in this field.
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