Thursday 3 October 2024



Every organization has its own organizational set up which makes it run. Looking at the TV channels set up, organizations are important. 

 Firstly it’s important to know government owned National broadcaster’s organisation Doordarshan. In India in every Doordarshan centre there is

 a Regional Director, under him 3 important departments are there. They are:

 1. Programme department 

2. Administrative Departments

 3. Technical department 

 1. Programme Department:

 In the programme department there is one functional producer. Under him or her more than one producer and an assistant producer is employed. The work of programme department is to produce interesting news, information and entertainment programmes. 

2. Administrative Department: The administrative departments looks after the mostly all the administrative work of the organisation. Under the administrative department all other department works. The department is headed by a section officer. 

3. Technical department: The department is run under the direct supervision of the Station Engineer. Under the central technical department, Executive Engineers run the show. The department has Programme transmission room, control room, electrical engineer, sound engineer and computer engineer. 


Other then government set up, various private channels have established multiple news channels. The organizational set up of private news channels is very different government channels. 

There is also a difference between each channels own set up.

 Private Television Channel President or Managing Director; Business Manager; Producer; Presenter; copy editor; Reporter President or Managing Director: 

He is the head of TV news channel. He is chief of the services, differently some channels has an owner who works as the representative of the owner. In some channels managing director is over all incharge, he looks after production advertisement, finance, etc along with management of liaisons and relationship. He is the decision making authority. 

To reduce his burden of work in some channels there maybe a vice-president who carries out these decisions taken by the managing director regarding smooth functioning and policy matters.

 There may be News Directors under the vice president. They work as head of news bureau, under their direct supervision the production and transmission of news is done. They give the direction to which news should be given imp. To do such work in some channels there maybe chief news editors, news editor has some assisting staff like news coordinator. He works as a bridge between Newsdesk and Editor. 

Personnel for Video Production

Executive Producer- He is the boss of the production team & supervises. As the

administrative head of the team, the Executive Producer is appointed normally for a

series of programmes.

Director/ Producer- He is the one who approves the script. In smaller productions,

the producer and director may be same. As the creative head of the production, the

producer is in charge of the technical aspects of a production.

Scriptwriter- He writes the script for the production and he is responsible for coming

up with creative ideas and translating them into words that will be used in the

making of video. In the case if fiction, based on the storyboard and synopsis, the

scriptwriter pens the script.

Production Assistance- He is responsible to make sure the script, talent, the

production, the production crew before the shoot proceeds. Other responsibilities

include holding rehearsals, organizing on location and co-operating.

Production Manager-He is responsible to take care of production and production

within budget. He ensures that equipment, transport, talent, crew are in place for the

shoot. Managing the crew production team and also hiring equipments and personnel

for the post production.

Cameraperson- He works with lighting director and set designer to get the right

mood and picture for the video. A cameraperson composes and reflects the mood

that the director desires for a shot.

Set Designer- He is responsible for all the sets and looks at the location. He has

number of people working with him for designing the set. He takes charge for

procuring the right material to erect sets, decides on the place and size of the sets.

Lighting Director- He is responsible for in charge of rigging up and controlling all

lighting equipments working with a number of assistance (also called gaffers) and

electricians. He makes sure that the set is well lit up as per the technical and

aesthetic requirements of a shot.

Make-Up Artist- He designs and applies make-up to all artistes. The make-up artist

is helped, in the case of bigger production, by assistant make-up artist and


Costume Designer- He designs costume for the talent in a production. The CD

makes notes on the brief of every character in the video and what costumes and

accessories suit a character.

Choreographer- He is in charge of all composing dance sequence in a production.

Often working with a number of assistants and working in close co-ordination with

the director, the music composer, set designer, cameraperson, and lighting director.

Properties Manager- He is responsible for all the properties needed on a set are

ready. Properties required for the particular shoot.

Audio Engineer- He is in responsible for overall sound levels, balance and quality of

sound. He is in charge for overall sound levels, balance, and quality of sound. He is

also involved in post-production during dubbing, mixing tracks, etc

Electrical Engineer-He is responsible for all power requirements for production.

Manages all equipment, right from a power generator to cables and connectors.

Music Director- He is in charge of music requirements for a production and

composes original tracks or use available music with permissions.

Graphic Engineer- He is responsible for graphics used on the video.

Video Editor- He is responsible who operates production equipment-the linear &

non-linear editing machines. He works in close association with director in making

creative decisions in shaping the production. In smaller production, the VE also

creates graphics. In large productions involving complex graphic work.

Talent- Actors who are playing a role or those who appear in front of the camera as

themselves-newscasters, anchorpersons, interviewers, personalities, contestants.

They are non technical workers like directors/producers, scriptwriters, set designers


Personnel for News

News Editor- He is the captain of TV news as he is responsible for all news

appearing on the channel. The NE sets the policies, hires and fires other personnel,

and works with other department in the channel. The NE provides direction to the


News Producer-He is the one who collates & packages stories from various sources

for a bulletin. She also ensures that all videos/audios/graphics required for a story

are in place.

Chief reporter/assignments editor- He instructs reporters and camerapersons to cover

specific events. The CR depends on press notes or engagements or personal contacts

to assign a story.

Reporter/Correspondent- He ensures that the visuals required for a story reach the

station. The reporter also does interviews, vox-populi (voice of people), piece of

camera (stand ups) & writes story for a newscast.

Cameraperson- He operates the camera to cover an event. He is responsible to

provide good visuals and cutaways as also good audio required for a story.

Video Editor- He edits the video inputs from the reporter in accordance to latter’s

story script. He also transmits the edited story to the station through VSAT (Very

Small Aperture Terminal).

Voice-Over Artist- He provides the commentary. He provides background

commentary for the news story.

Anchor/ Newscaster- He reads out in Lead-in to a news story. They also interviews

experts on the panel on live shows.

Weathercasters/Sportscasters-He present weather or sports report.

Multimedia Producer-He ensures that all stories are written for the channel websites

and update it on regular basis. He ensures images, graphics and illustrations and all

other content on the websites.

 Producer: There may be more than one producer in one news channels. A group of producers prepare news bulletin. Daily news bulletin is prepared under the direct supervision of first producers.To prepare hourly bulletin is his main work. He is also called the bulletin producer. 

The second category producers are called programme producers. By transmission of fresh news they engage viewers, is his chief motive, News channels work 24x7 so every time different news transmission. 

Copy Editor: To help the producers, a group of copy editors work, every time when new news comes in it is their duty to prepare correct and speedy bulletin. 

Presenter: They are the face of the channel. General public know the channel through the news caster or anchor. They are very popular among general public. The popular and reliability of a news channel depends upon a good news caster. Viewers regularly see the channels because of the presentation skills of the anchor. Their main job is to present the news in proper manner.

 Reporter: The backbone of a TV news channel is the reporter. They are connected to the society, they reach the spot as soon as they get information were the incident has happened and get the information. They immediately inform the office about the event. Main duty to send collected info to news desk, due active dedicated work of news reporter the news channel becomes lively. 

Cameraperson: Those who accompany the reporters to the incident spot and take photos or videos are known are camerapersons. Understanding the importance of the event and morality of journalism they take the pictures with care. Persons discussed above work under the news division. 

In addition to this a team of technical persons work in news channel. IT, RF broadcast, MCR, PCR, Electricals, Electronic, sound are the technical persons. Without their help it is not possible to telecast news in time. 

Business Manager: In addition to this every news channel has a business manager. Under him a number of business executives. Their main work is to collect revenues through advertisements. Along with this they also try to improve viewership of the channel. 

 Editor: The editor links write-up received from different sources are with visuals with proper timing and editing. They remain present in the editing room meticulously edit and connect the news write-up and visuals eliminating the unnecessary part. They maintain the balance and equality in every news item.


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