It is introduced by Elizabeth Noelle and Neumann in
1984. It is very important and controversial
theory also and a form of Agenda
Setting Theory.
Public opinion is the concept of the Spiral of Silence also it describe the process of public opinion formation. It Focused on Macro level rather than micro
level consequences.
It may find out
the view he hold or losing ground. Observations made in one context spread to
another and encouraged people either to proclaim their views or swallow them to
keep quiet until.
A spiral of Silence is a process here the one view
dominated the public scene and the other disappeared from public awareness as
it supporter became mute. In other words
because of people when they are in the minority, fear of isolation or
separation from those around them, they tend to keep their attitudes to
Reason for Spiral of Silence
The Media because of a variety of factors, tend to
present one side of an issue to uncover and register that opposing view Which
further encourages those people to keep quiet.
Strength of Spiral of Silence
It has Macro and Micro
level explanatory theory.
It is dynamic theory.
Accounts for in Public Opinion
especially during campaign.
important questions concerning the role and responsibility of news media
It has overly pessimistic
view of media influence on average people.
Ignores other simpler
explanations of silencing
Ignore possible
demographic in cultural differences in the silencing effect
Degrade power of community
to counteract than silencing effect.
Product of Bandwagon effect or Production
Depend upon the individual factors, if you feel very
strongly about the issue you might not want to remain silent even if
isolation is a threat.
It is faulted and underestimating the power of the
people communities organization
Noelle Newman’s research to the American Situation and
the media can actually move people to speak up rather than remain silent.
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