Thursday, 25 August 2022

Concept of Internet advertising

Indian perspectives Online advertising is still in the developing stages in India, while in other parts of the world it has already taken deep roots.  The share of India's online advertising in world pie is almost negligible. But developing countries like India; where Internet users are growing very rapidly, it has huge potential. India's leading advertisers are starting to advertise online, but at a very slow pace.

Indian companies are also showing keen interest in promoting their products or services online.

Online advertising may be defined as promoting goods, ideas or services to targeted consumers using internet as medium.

Broadly, online advertising is about delivering advertisements to online users via Web sites, e-mail, ad-supported software and Internet-enabled smart phones.

       Examples of online advertising include 

  • contextual ads on search engine results pages, 
  • banner ads, 
  • Rich Media Ads, 
  • Social network advertising, 
  • interstitial ads, 
  • online classified advertising, 
  • advertising networks and 
  • e-mail marketing, including 
  • email spam.


Reasons for the growth of online advertising in India 

* Advertisement can reach very large number of potential buyers globally. 

* Web superiority over other advertising medium.

 * Web page (advertisement) can be updated any time and changes or corrections are painless.

 * Online advertisement works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

* In online advertisement specific interest groups or individuals can be targeted.

* Online advertisement can effectively use the convergence of text, audio, graphics, and Animation.

* Online advertisements are cheaper in comparison to traditional advertisement. There is no printing costs, no postage costs etc. Benefits of online advertising


It offers higher selectivity which is tailored to the user's profile. 

 Some other benefits of online advertising are as under:

* Online advertising facilitates the advertiser to reach an absolutely pinpointed and targeted audience.

* "Traditional advertising is usually a one-way mechanism there is no way for customers to act on the information in the advertisements. 

* The Internet as a medium knows no demographic boundaries and gives the advertiser a huge audience to tap and build brand image if not sell products.

 * Internet's interactive nature allows for greater flexibility than traditional media in the type of information transmitted and the method of transmission. * Online advertisement can facilitate purchase decision. * Enhance customer company relationship.

* Protection of environment.

* Online advertisement expands the company's market to global market.

* It is easy to create, and place, it saves time, labor and money.

 ome of the leading companies from online advertising sector are

  • HDFC,
  • Citibank,
  • SBI, and
  • UTI etc.
  • FMCG goods have just started to come in led by companies like
  • Hindustan Lever,
  • Procter and Gamble etc.


Advertising major advantage

Online advertising has the major advantage of immediate publishing of information that is not limited by geographic or time constraints. 

Advantages and disadvantages of online advertising 

1.    One of the main advantages of internet advertising is the ability to publish information instantaneously without bothering about constraints of time and geography.

2.    Online advertising is  a process that helps in creating well defined consumer groups.  

3.    It is easier for advertisers to create specially designed messages for specific consumer-segments.

4.    Online advertising is more attractive to consumers because advertisers focus them to match the customers’ interests.

5.    Another advantage is that some online advertising is less annoying than usual advertising.

6.     From the advertiser’s point of view, everything is dynamic. The content and the details can be changed immediately and no waiting for a new edition.

7.    Internet advertising is cheaper than other media

8.    Marketers can achieve an advertise to a targeted audience at a low-cost and to locate groups of consumers who share the same interests. 

9.    Interactivity of the Internet is another significant factor, in that it allows users to express their reaction

10.        Target marketing- a major advantage of advertising through Web is the ability to target specific groups of individuals with a minimum of waste coverage. Through internet advertisements can be targeted to specific customers as per their age, sex, income, education, hobbies, interests and geographic locations. 

11.                       Messages can be designed to appeal to the specific needs and wants of the target audience. 

12.                       Interactive capabilities- because the Internet is interactive, it provides strong potential for increasing customer involvement and satisfaction and almost immediate feedback for buyers and sellers.


13.                       Enhancing   effective interaction with their customers and to improve their experience with their brand. 


Disadvantages On the other hand, the Internet has quite a few disadvantages. 

1- The most prominent  disadvantage is  the lack of user privacy. Many marketers track users’ activities online and send marketing messages that relate to their interests despite the users’ wishes. 

2- There are many types of online advertisements, such as pop-up ads commonly perceived to be rather annoying. 

 3- The confusion that may result from the complexity of online advertisements; as those often consist of a long text, photos, music and video.

face book advertisement

instragram ad making

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