DAGMAR model for arousing consumer interests was developed by Russen Colley in his study entitled “Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results.” 

the following steps : 

1. Awareness : When the prospect is asked to mention the name of a brand of product, perhaps he is in a position to recollect the name of a specific brand only. 

2. Comprehension : The prospect is conscious about the main sales theme of a brand of product. When asked upon, he is able to associate a brand with the sales theme, which is already known to him. 

 3. Conviction : At the stage of conviction, the prospect is able to foresee how the benefits of the brand of goods will serve his need. He is convinced that if he purchases this brand of goods it would be a right decision.

 4. Motivation : Having been convinced, the prospect is motivated to buy a specific brand of goods. 

 DAGMAR model suggests that all consumers will not be at the same stage but they would be at different stages. DAGMAR model also illustrates the success of means of communication. After advertisements have been carried out, how people associate themselves with a specific brand of product. 

 AIDA is a functional formula devised by E.K. Strong. It is the acronym for Attention (A), Interest (I) Desire (D), and Action (A). 

 1. Attention : The main function of an advertisement is to attract attention of the consumers. It is because of this fact that the advertiser will use various devices like the use of attractive colour, headlines display and overall layout. 

2. Interest : An advertisement is designed to create interest for the goods or services of the advertiser, interest is closely related to attention.  A good advertisement starts with a point of interest to the reader and proceeds to a point of interest to the advertiser. Advertising aims at stimulating primary demands for a new product. It is used for existing product to bring a greater bit of the marketing share. It is also used to remind the consumers about their needs. A good advertisement should arouse interest of the prospects in the advertised product. 

3. Desire : A good advertisement should be able to create desire in the minds of the readers about the product. It is not enough for a good advertisement to attract attention create interest but also arouse desire in the heart of the prospect to have the product. The advertiser should make use of proper appeals and selling points while creating desire for the product. Through the sales appeal that the advertiser creates a desire for the product. 

4. Action : This is an important stage where the advertiser can study the impact of his advertisement. If the advertisement has attracted attention, aroused interest, created desire, then the advertisement should appeal the prospect to act i.e., to come forward for making purchases. The advertiser should tell the prospect about the product, their main features, how they can be consumed and where they are available. For example, the prospect who wants to book new scooter should get such information in the advertisement as: place of display, place and date of booking. Every advertisement normally carries such basic information to guide the prospective buyers. 


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