Dialogic —Dialog is the heart of the new communication paradigm. Development communication should foster dialog to facilitate mutual understanding,
to assess the situation, and to seek wider consensus.Professionally directed, dialog
is an invaluable research tool and is absolutely to build trust, optimize
knowledge, minimize risks, and reconcile different positions.
Inclusive—This methodological frame work might
focus only on selected groups of stakeholders. Omitting a group on a basis that might not seem relevant can cause problems. Two-way communication should always pay special attention to
groups that are marginalized or at a disadvantage in society. Gender issues are
always a primary concern in this context, as well as issues related to the
poor, or any other vulnerable group.
Heuristic— The heuristic
and explorative scope of development communication, strengthened by its
analytical and dialogic features, constitutes its main value-added in
addressing and rectifying the past failures in development.
Analytical—It conclude large amount of its
work, such as the assessment of political risks and opportunities, the effectiveness of diffusion and
dissemination activities and it we know how effectively people are empowered to voice
their perceptions and opinions.
Participatory— Only genuine communication can facilitate effective participation,and there are different types of participation.
Levels of Participation
and Communication
Participation Level
Basic Features Related
to Communication
Information sharing
communication—basically, people are included by informing them about
what is being done.
Primarily one-way
communication with a stronger emphasis
on feedback—stakeholders provide their input but do not have a significant
say in the decision-making process.
Two-way communication
supporting open interaction in
decision making—input
in decision making is balanced.
Transfer of control
over decisions and resources—two‑
way communication
ensures shared decision making.
Inter disciplinary—A development communication body of
knowledge includes a number of principles borrowed from other disciplines such as ethnography, sociology, political economy, adult
education, and marketing.
Strategic—The principle
of strategy emphasizes the
professional and timely application of communication techniques and methods to achieve
intended objectives.
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