
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." 


"To find yourself, think for yourself."

Nelson Mandela

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Jim Rohn

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." 


"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." 

Tuesday, 30 November 2021


Cinematography is the act of capturing photographic images in space through the use of a number of controllable elements.  

These include 

1.    the quality of the film stock, 

2.    the manipulation of the camera lens

3.    framingscale  

4.    Camera  movement

5.    duration, or the length of the shot, 

 Cinematography is a function of the relationship between the camera lens and a light source, the focal length of the lens, the camera’s position and its capacity for motion.


Depth of field is the measure that can be applied to the area in focus within the frame. Depth of field (DOF) is the term used to describe the size of the area in our image where objects appear acceptably sharp. The area in question is known as the field, and the size (in z-space) of that area is the depth of that field.

The center most point of the field is known as the point of focus. The imaginary two-dimensional plane that extends from that point is known as the plane of focus. And any part of your image that falls directly on this plane is officially in focus.


Types of Cameras Shot Focus


1.    Deep Focus  

2.     Shallow Focus

3.     Rack Focus / Focus Pull

4.     Tilt-Shift

5.     Soft Focus

6.     Split Diopter

Deep focus, which requires a small aperture and lots of light, means that the foreground, middle ground and background of the frame remain in focus.  In a deep focus shot, everything in yur frame is in focus. 

Deep focus cinematography is a kind of camera angle that allows the Cinematographer to keep everything in perspective without favoring foreground, mid-ground, or background.  Everything is lit and visible.


·       A film utilizes deep space, when significant elements of an image are positioned both near to and distant from the camera.

·       A deep space film shot utilizes deep space when the subjects of an image are positioned both close to and far away from the camera.

·       Deep space shots do not have to be in focus, but they do have to show the breadth of scale.

·       So wide shots are often used to promote deep space shots.

Shallow focus is a function of a narrow depth of field and it implies that only one place of the frame will remain sharp and clear . It is typically a feature of the close-up. In shallow focus shots, our subject is in crisp focus while the foreground and background scenery are out of focus. This limits your depth of field to create emphasis on your subject.

In contemporary cinema, shallow focus is often combined with deep space for artistic purposes or to demonstrate subjectivity.  

Soft focus is perfect when filming a dream or memory — the glow around everything is both wistful and slightly unreal.

 rack focus

A rack focus is the filmmaking technique of changing the focus of the lens during a continuous shot. When a shot “racks,” it moves the focal plane from one object in the frame to another. Also known as a "focus pull" or "pulling focus," the technique can include small or large changes of focus.

The shallower the depth of the field, the more noticeable the transition between focal planes. 

Filmmakers can change the focus of the lens to a subject in the background from the foreground or vice vera. This can be used to shift the audience’s attention or to point out a significant relationship between the two subjects.



A frame rate refers to the number of individual frames or images that are displayed per second of film. The standard rate for a film is 24 frames per second. If more frames are added to this second the film will seem to slow down. The film will speed up if there are less than 24 frames per second.

 The higher the frame rate, the more film or digital storage space for video you’ll use up.

Here’s a breakdown of how different frame rates can be used:

·         1 frame per minute: time-lapse photography and stop-motion animation.

·         18 frames per second: Early motion picture films.

·         24 frames per second: Worldwide standard for movie theater film projectors.

·         300+ frames per second: high-speed cameras for very slow-motion photography (used for miniatures to make models seem larger on screen).

·         2500+ frames per second: very high-speed camera for special effects such a pyrotechnics and explosions.




When filming from below or above the subject of the frame, it is known as a low or high angle. Filming from different angles is a way to show the relationship between the camera’s point of view and the subject of the frame.


This refers to the height at which the camera is positioned in a given shot. Different camera heights are often used to display or exaggerate differences in points of view.  The low level position of the camera creates suspense by suggesting the perspective of an unsuspecting character on the ground.




A point of view shot places the camera where the viewer would imagine a character’s gaze to be. This is a technique of continuity editing, because it allows us to see what the character sees without being obtrusive(mistake).


Point of view is the perspective from which that story is told. Point of view and perspective are not just important considerations in telling stories, point of view are necessary.


A camera movement refers to the way a camera shifts to visually narrate and shape a viewer’s perspective of a scene. In the world of film and video, there are several basic and advanced camera movements that can help enhance our story.  To make for a professional-quality final product need an 
effective and well-placed camera movements 


Length of SCENE 

 Some directors want length movement and some directors don't want any movement! The writer must find the exact length that allows him to share his passionate message, while entertaining the audience. That perfect balance, which is only achieved by less than 10% of the screenplays I read annually, makes the difference between a great film worth watching numerous times and a common film.

Wednesday, 24 November 2021


 The Internet facility has developed  in the early 1960 in USA.  It was a means of supercomputer communication for researchers and for the US Department of Defense s across the country.

 Until in 1990s, the Internet   mostly used by academics, military researchers, and scientists around the world .

At present, Internet the fastest growing medium in history, offers incredible opportunities for a wide range of people in both business and advertising. 

Type of Internet Advertising :

Ads on the Internet can take a variety by forms.

Most advertising on Internet can be classified as 

  • websites, 
  • banners, 
  • buttons, 
  • sponsorships,
  • Meta ads, 
  • classified ads, and 
  • e-mail ads.



Some companies consider their whole website as an ad.

Website typically consist of a home page and an indefinite number of subsequent pages that users can visit for further information. A web page refers to a single HTML (hypertext markup language) file, which, when viewed with a browser, may actually be several screens long.  Some companies use their website like an extended brochure to promote their goods and services.


The ad banner is the basic form of web advertising. A banner is a little billboard that spreads across the top or bottom of the Web page. At present one comes across larger banner ads that can dominate the screen or even provide television commercials. When users click their mouse pointer on the banner, it sends them to the advertiser‟s site or a buffer page.


These are similar to banners. They are small version of the banner those often look like an icon usually provides a link to an advertiser's home page. Since they take less space than banner, they are less expensive.


A form of advertising on the Internet that is getting popular is the sponsorship of Web pages. Corporations sponsor entire sections of a publisher‟s Web page or sponsor single events for a limited period of time, 

usually calculated in months. In exchange for sponsorship support, companies are given extensive recognition on the site. 


This is a dynamic form of Net advertising. It is a catch all term for a variety of animated ads that pop up on the screen while the computer downloads a website that the user has clicked on. 

There are now many types of interstitials including pop-up windows, splash screens, superstitials, etc. Meta

Ad : 

Used in search engines (such as Yahoo, Google, etc.), a met ad is an advertisement displayed on the results page of a search, specific to the searched item. Meta ads are also referred to as keyword advertising. This method enables an advertiser to target a specific audience. 

For example, if a user searched for the term “handicrafts and handlooms”, the Meta ads displayed might be for handicrafts and handlooms items.

Classified Ads

Another growing area for Internet advertisers in the classified ad websites. Some of these websites offer free classified advertising opportunities because ad banners of other advertisers support them. 

They are similar to newspaper classified ads. You can search for homes, cars, jobs, toys, shoes etc. 

E-Mail Advertising : 

Advertisers can send e-mail advertising to customers who have asked for it. It is similar to direct mail advertising, and therefore, it is the most effective form of internet advertising. However, there is too much of span via the e-mail. 

Span refers to unsolicited, mass e-mail advertising for product or service that is sent by an unknown entity to e-mail addresses.

Advantage of Internet Advertising:

1. Interactive Medium

It allows consumers to directly interact with an advertiser, thereby establishing future relationships.

2. Enormous Audience

With an audience of about 500 million people world wide (some estimates put the figure at 1 billion people), the internet is the only true global medium, providing information and commercial opportunities that are immediately accessible around the world. 

3. Immediate Response

Products and information are available on demand made by the consumer, thereby, providing instant feed back for the advertiser.

4. Selective Targeting

Advertisers can reach the right target audience, especially through the Meta ads.

5. Proximity to Purchase : 

It may be the greatest advantage of Internet advertising. Purchasers can be targeted right wither they are, right at the moment when they are considering of making a purchase.

6. Affluent Market- 

Internet medium enables to reach the affluent market of the society.

7. Provides In-depth Information

 Commercial websites provide detailed information about products or services to the Internet users seeking information.

8. Reaches Business-to-Business Users : 

The Internet medium can reach to B2B users when they are still at work, not only business related information, but also consumer products advertising while they are working.


 Disadvantages of Internet Advertising:

1. Lack Mass-Media Efficiency : 

Internet is not a mass medium as the case of radio and television. Therefore, it may never offer mass media efficiency. 

 2. Slow Downloads

The downloading of websites is very slow in many parts of the world, including India. The ads that pop up in between only irritate the Internet users.

3. Problem of Span

There is too much of Spam via the e-mail. Therefore, e-mail users do not consider going through even the responsible ads.

 4. Problem of Online Purchases

In India, most consumers would like to physically inspect the goods before purchases. That is not possible in online advertising.

 5. Untested Medium : 

There is hardly any research to test the effectiveness of Internet advertising. Therefore, a good number of markets in India do not give much importance to Internet advertising

Thursday, 18 November 2021



Marketing mix consist of four important variables of marketing, i.e.

4Ps-Product, Price, Promotion and Place.

Apart from the traditional 4 Ps, there are also other variables, i.e.  

Price, Packaging, Postion, and Pace.

 Advertising is an element of promotion.

1.      Advertising and Product :  A product is normally a set of physical elements, such as quality, shape, size, colour and other features. The product may be of very high quality .At times, the product is so designed that it requires careful handling and operations. Buyers must be informed and educated on the various aspects of the product. This can be effectively done through advertising. Thus, advertising plays the role of information and education.

2.       Advertising and Price : The price is the exchange value of the product. A marketer may bring out a very high quality product with additional features as compared to competitors. Advertising can convince buyers regarding the superiority of the brand and thus its value for money

3.       Advertising and Place : Place refers to physical distribution and the stores where the goods are available.  To facilitate effective distribution and expansion of market, advertising is of great significance. Thus advertising do help in effective distribution and market expansion.

4.       Advertising and Promotion : Promotion consists of advertising, publicity, personal selling and sales promotion technique. Advertising can play a significant role to put forward the claim of seller, and to counter the claims of competitor also help to develop brand image and brand loyalty.

5.       Advertising and Pace : Pace refers to the speed in marketing decisions and actions. It involves among other things the launch of new products or brand variations at greater speed than before. As and when new brands are launched, advertising plays an important role of informing, educating and persuading the customers to buy the product.

6.       Advertising and Packaging : The main purpose of packaging is protection of the product during transit, and preservation of quality and quantity. Nowadays, marketers take lot of efforts to develop and design attractive packages as they carry advertising value. It also carries an assurance of quality and creates confidence in the minds of customers to buy the product.

7.      Advertising and Positioning : Product positioning aims at creating and maintaining a distinct image of the brands in the minds of the customers. Through advertising the marketer can convey the positioning of the brand and accordingly can influence the buying decision of the target audience.