
Showing posts from August, 2024

Composition in Photography

  What is Composition? Composition is in simply means, how the elements of a photo are arranged.    Photo composition is how a photographer arranges visual elements within their frame. “It’s a pleasing organisation of objects within your rectangle,” says photographer Adam Long .  A composition depend on how the photographer puts the element within a frame that help a photograph become more or less interesting to the viewer. A good photograph will take many different parts and combine them into an aesthetically pleasing whole. Composition is how an artist tells a story within the confines of a single frame. Why is Composition Important in Photography? Composition is everything when it comes to a photograph.   Rules of composition.  Use the rule of thirds. The  rule of thirds  is a way of dividing frames for optimal composition. It involves evenly dividing the frame between two equally spaced horizontal and vertical gridlines, creating a three-by-three grid. In order to create

Writing Television Script

  Planning is an essential part of a serious production , and the script forms the basis for that plan . The script usually begins the production process.  Scripts do the following: • To Help the director 1 .      clarify ideas and develop a project that successfully communicates to the viewers. 2.      Coordinate the entire production team. 3.      Determine what resources will be needed for the television production A script is then developed based on this outline and decisions are made concerning the camera treatment for each segment.   1.  THE PRODUCTION PLAN – THE UNSCRIPTED PRODUCTION PLAN There are some types of program that cannot be scripted. For example, sports events cannot be controlled; you never know where they are going to go. However, the director still needs to think through a quasi-script, or what is often known as a production plan.    THE OUTLINE SCRIPT: SEMI-SCRIPTED PRODUCTION   The type of script used will be some production situation