Visual Language –.
Cinema, being a medium that has a rich language of its own, needs one to pay
attention to the elements of image and sound.
Ø Film
language or Cinematic language is the methods and
conventions of cinema that are used to communicate with the audience.. Emotions and ideas are expressed in cinema visually
through all types of techniques such as lighting, performance, mise-en-scéne,
cinematography, acting, editing
and sound, lighting etc.
Ø Film Form: Form/
Structure: Film form or film structure is
the total system that the viewer perceives in the film. It is the overall
system of relations that we can perceive among the various elements in the
whole film. film form or structure at both micro and macro levels- from composition
of individual shots, fragments of picture and sound to the arrangement of these
fragments into scenes, sequences and finally the entire film.
Ø Meaning:
the meaning of the film is its essence; the theme, story, plot, characters, the
various elements of film language as used in the film, and its composition etc.
They are Denotative and Connotative meaning –
Concept & Principle
Signs, Symbols,
Mise-en–scene cinematography(Video)
Ø Mise-en-scene
focuses on what can be seen ‘in the picture.’ The term mise-en-scene in
French literally translates to ‘staging an action’ or ‘putting on the stage’.
It was originally used with reference to theatre. The mise-en-scene included
the elements of set design, lighting, costume, figure expression and movement.
Ø They
do not consider camera placement as a part of mise-en-scene.
👉Film scholars David Bordwell & Kristin Thompson (1979) in their book Film Art state that mise-en-scene consists of setting, lighting, costume, figure expression and movement.