
"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." 


"To find yourself, think for yourself."

Nelson Mandela

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

Jim Rohn

"Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." 


"The mind is everything. What you think, you become." 

Monday, 23 March 2015

Visual communication is communication through a visual aid and is described as the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or looked upon. Visual communication  relies on vision,The expression of ideas and information using visual forms or aids.  Visual communication involves the use of visual elements, such as drawings, illustrations and electronic images, to convey ideas and information to an audience. It has a greater power to inform, educate, or persuade a person or audience.   Visual communication is everywhere today, from electronic media like Web pages and television screens to environmental contexts such as road signs and retail displays.   Body language including gestures are part of such communication. Visual communications is a multidisciplinary field that combines traditional art with contemporary software applications to create images intended to convey a message.

Human communication has existed for about 30,000 years. In the beginning of recorded history, the vast majority  
communication was not text based. Textual communication has been with us  for only 3,700 years. With the invention of tools like Gutenberg's movable type printing press in 1450,leads to  text as center stage and that period graphics were too costly to include .    The culture itself moves from textual to visual literacy. 

1)Cognitively: Graphics expedite and increase our level of communication. They increase comprehension, recollection, and retention. Visual clues help us decode text and attract attention to information or direct attention increasing the likelihood that the audience will remember.
2) Emotionally: Pictures enhance or affect emotions and attitudes.  Graphics engage our imagination and heighten our creative thinking by stimulating other areas of our brain which in turn leads to a more profound and accurate understanding of the presented material. The emotions influence decision-making: "(Emotions) play an essential role in decision making, perception, learning, and more ... they influence the very mechanisms of rational thinking."

Visual aids media

·         Chalkboard or whiteboard: Chalkboards and whiteboards are very useful visual aids, particularly when more advanced types of media are unavailable. They are cheap and also allow for much flexibility.
·          Poster board: A poster is a very simple and easy visual aid. Posters can display charts, graphs, pictures, or illustrations. The biggest drawback of using a poster as a visual aid is that often a poster can appear unprofessional. Since a poster board paper is relatively flimsy, often the paper will bend or fall over. The best way to present a poster is to hang it up or tape it to a wall.
·         Handouts:Handouts can also display charts, graphs, pictures, or illustrations. An important aspect of the use of a handout is that a person can keep a handout with them long after the presentation is over. This can help the person better remember what was discussed. Passing out handouts, however, can be extremely distracting
·         Video : A video can be a great visual aid and attention grabber, however, a video is not a replacement for an actual speech. interesting
·         Projection equipment: There are several types of projectors. These include slide projectors, PowerPoint presentations, overhead projectors, and computer projectors.

Computer-assisted presentations:PowerPoint presentations can be an extremely useful visual aid, especially for longer presentations. For five to ten minute presentations, it is probably not worth the time or effort to put together a PowerPoint. 

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Media Culture and Society-Revision

1.     The head quarter of press information bureau in located at
a)     Mumbai
b)    New Delhi
c)     Bangaluru
d)    Chennai
2.     Which country publishes maximum number of dailies in the world
a)     Japan
b)    USA
c)     India
d)    UK
3.     SS Vasan of Tamilnadu started a periodical in 192 was
a)     Ananda Vikadan
b)    Anand Sahitya
c)     Ananda Murti
d)    Ananda Bazar Patrika
4.     SITE is experiment on
a)     Communication
b)    Environment
c)     Agriculture
d)    Rural development
5.     S. Kasturiranga Iyengar a lawyer become the editor of ….
a)     The Hindu
b)    Dinamalar
c)     Dinamani
d)    Thanthi
6.     The first multilingual TV network of India was
a)     Jain
b)    Zee
c)     Geminy
d)    Surya
7.     ESPN is a channel owned by
a)     Star Group
b)    CNN Group
c)     Zee
8.     When was the first Television transmission introduced in India?
a)     September , 1959 in Delhi,
b)    January 1963 Delhi
c)     November  1958 Mumbai
d)    August 1949 Kolkata

9.     When was colour TV transmission started in India
a)     1982
b)    1980
c)     1986
d)    1979
10.                        Advertising agencies Association of India was established in
a)     1945
b)    1942
c)     1950
d)    1990
11.                        the knowledge skills and competencies that are required in order to use and interpret the media.
a)     Media literacy 
b)    Media communication
c)     Media Mobilization
d)    Information load
12.                        British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) began the first television service of the world in
a)     1936
b)    1945
c)     1885
d)    1990
13.                        The households (out of total 223 million) in India who own a television…………
a)     138 million
b)    100 milion
c)      22 million
d)    200 million
 The process of  combining the functions of two or three devices into one mechanism.called as
a)     Device Convergence,
b)    Operational Convergence 
c)     Corporate Convergence
14.                        Agenda setting  effects are founded by ………….. in the 1970s. 
a)     Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw
b)    Lasswell
c)     Marshall
d)    Mc Quail

15.                        ………………..means division of society into different strata or layers.
a)     Social stratification
b)    Cultural diffusion
c)     Cultural diversity

2 Mark questions

1.     What is facing ‘3 R’ challenges faced by Doordarshan ?
2.     What are the types of  Surveillance ?
3.     Definition of society.
4.     What you mean by Socialization?
5.     Define Mass Media.
6.     Write short notes on Cultural Diffusion

7.     Differentiate high culture and low culture.

8.     What it mean Disintermediation?
9.     What you mean by Media Framing? 
10.      What is mean by Convergence?
11.      What is the meaning of Counter framing?
12.      Define Agenda Setting
13.      Who is A “gate keeper” in a media firm?

14.      What is the Meaning of Culture?

15.      Write about Social stratification.

16.      What is the need of media education?
17.      There are three different forms of cultural diffusion.
18.      Define Urban society.
19.      Web.2.0
20.      What you mean by media saturation?
21.      What is information management?
22.      What you mean by Visual communication?
23.      What it mean media Oligoply? 
24.      Meaning of  Media Conglomerate.
25.      What is the Stereotypes effects of media?
26.      What is the effects of Evil of “paid news”?
27.      What you mean by MIS?

 6       marks questions

1.     Major Features of Rural Society
2.     What is the difference between unban and rural society?
3.     What is the  power of the media?
4.     What is the  types of Media effects?
5.     What are the way Media control possible?
6.     What are TV comedy formats?
7.     What is ‘uses and gratifications’? How we can  classified  into a four-category?
8.     ‘Media as a conscious industry’. Explain
9.     How not to study media?
10.            What is the difference between Framing and the agenda setting
11.            What you mean by media Framing? Write the types of framing?
12.            What is the techniques of media framing?
13.            What is the Characteristics of Culture?
14.            What is the Characteristics of  Social stratification ?
15.            What is the Characteristics of the Family
16.            What is the importance of media education in a democratic country?
17.            What are the Media effects?
18.            What the critical issues in Advertising?
19.            Why people use the media?
20.            What is the importance of Visual Communication?
21.            How media controlled by state law?
22.            What is the economy of motion picture industry?
23.            What you mean by agenda setting? How it differ from framing of media?
24.            Who owns the mass media in India?
25.            What is the Indian Media market features?
26.            What is the role of the media in socialization?
27.            How media Shape the Attitudes, Perceptions, and Beliefs of a society?
28.                  ‘The Media as a Primary Source of Information’. Justify.
28.      How news media outlets frame stories.
29.      What is the need of media literacy?
30.      What you mean by Convergence? What are the types of convergence in media?
31.      What is the principles of information management?
32.      What is the duties of Information system professionals?
33.      Who are media determinants?
34.      What is the uses of cell phone? What are the characterstics?

Essay Questions

29.            What is the Major Programming Trends of Indian Television?
30.            What is the function of media?
31.            Culture is a Learned Behaviour:How?
32.            How People Use the Mass Media?
33.            Write in detail about the Indian media owners as poitical party.
34.            What is the economy of motion picture?
35.            What are the forms of diversity in india?
36.            Explain in detail Media ownership trends in India?
37.            Characteristics of Traditional Mass Media Organization:
38.            What is the Modern Mass Media Emerging Trends?
39.            What are the types of Social Stratification?
40.            What you mean by Social stratification ? Write in detail according to class stratification?
41.            What are the factors influenced the media? 
42.            What is the institutional structure of motion picture industry?
43.            What are the Characteristics of Traditional Mass Media Organization?
44.            What is the function of media on society?
45.            What  you mean by audience  What are the types of audience?
46.            What are the  salient aspects about media ownership ?