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Monday, 17 October 2022


Design is a visual language that sends messages to your target audience – no words necessary – and even the shapes you use contribute to that message.

Visual language was used for storytelling, guidance, and learning for early humans before spoken language evolved  and we continue to understand messages relayed through visual communication to this day.

Shape symbolism can help guide the choices you make when communicating with your audience.


Shapes in design are categorized into three main types –

1.    geometric shapes,

2.    natural (or organic) shapes, and

3.    abstract shapes.

Geometric Shapes

Geometric shapes are any shapes that are based on mathematical principles, such as triangles, squares, circles, and polygons. Geometric shapes have clear, perfect edges that are usually made with tools. 

You usually don’t find a perfect circle or square in nature – that’s what marks the difference between natural and geometric designs.

So what do geometric shapes mean? The answer depends on the particular shape. Below, we’ll discuss some common geometric shape meanings behind the most popular shapes you might see in design!


To understand the triangle shape meaning. By the positioning of a triangle itself have a meaning.

Depending on how it is positioned, a triangle represents stability and instability, an inherent tension throughout the design. A triangle is stable when sitting on its base, and unstable when it is on its side or inverted. Rather than establishment and stability, triangles suggest growth, progress, and movement.

It suggests action, movement, and in some cases aggression.

Triangles in graphic design stimulate movement, progression and purpose. One of the most well-known examples? The “Play” button! It’s simply a triangle turned sideways, but it has a universal meaning – press to continue.

Squares and Rectangles

Squares symbolize order, trust, stability, and being grounded.

One of the most familiar geometric shapes in design, squares, and rectangles are used to organize and define a design. The square represents might come across as boring, but it also inherently establishes trust and security in the viewer.


Circular shapes, oval shapes, and round shapes have meaning in graphic design.

While the triangle can be seen as masculine, circles are considered a more feminine shape. Their rounded curves are graceful, feminine, and warm.

They are often used in graphic design to represent familiar objects like wheels, fruit, the sun, eggs, and more!


Organic, or natural shapes in design, are associated with nature. Unlike geometric shapes, organic shapes look far less solid and precise without stiff corners or straight lines. In other words, they often look similar to things found in nature – like plants, animals, and rocks..

Organic shapes have meaning in design that may differ a little bit depending on the particular shape you’re using. 

For example, if you use a wave shape in your design, your viewer will probably associate it with freedom and flow. If you use a leaf or a flower shape, your design might evoke the feeling of nature and delicacy.


 Abstract shapes – and even abstract art, are all about interpretation. It doesn’t actually matter if the abstract shape looks more organic or geometric – it’s more about the process and the context behind it. 

The Psychology of Shapes in Design

Designers use shapes to express different ideas, create the notion of movement, offer texture and depth to an image, suggest a mood or emotion, or emphasize an area of interest.

Most of the time, the designs will get paired with a color. The combination of shapes and colors are various and hold different meanings ,  moods purpose and the message we  want to convey..

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