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Tuesday, 29 October 2019


According to Burgess and Locke, “Family is a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood or adoption; consisting a single household, interacting and intercommunicating with each other in their social roles of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister creating a common culture”

According to Elliot and Meril, “Family is the biological social unit composed of husband, wife and children.
Family includes parents, siblings, spouse, and children, grandparents, cousins, aunts & uncles, nephews, nieces etc.

Families are of different sizes — nuclear , joint family. Due to the vastly different structures in family and child raising practices, there is no universal influence on the individual.

Types of Family:

Though family is a universal institution, its structure or form varies from one society to another. Sociologists and anthropologists have mentioned about different types of families found in different cultures.
Classification of families is generally done on the basis of organisation (nuclear and joint), forms of marriage (monogamous or polygamous), authority (matriarchal or patriarchal) and residence etc. Types of Families in India Family may be broadly defined as a unit of two or more persons united by marriage, blood, adoption, or consensual union, in general consulting a single household, interacting and communicating with each other (Desai, 1994)
Nuclear Family:
The nuclear family is the traditional type of family structure. The nuclear family is a unit composed of husband, wife and their unmarried children. This is the predominant form in modern industrial societies. This type of family is based on companionship between parents and children.
This is also known as the conjugal family or family of procreation and comprised of married partners and their offspring. In this type of nuclear family, there is one parent with dependent children.

Single Parent Family

This consists of one parent raising one or more children on his own. The single parent family consists of one parent raising one or more children on her/his own. The single parent family is the biggest change society has seen in terms of the changes in family structures. Single parent families are generally close and find ways to work together to solve problem, such as dividing up household chores. This limits income and opportunities in many cases, although many single parent families have support from relatives and friends.

Joint family/ Extended family

If two or more nuclear families live together under a common shelter, and share a common hearth, and a common purse, then this type of family is known as joint family.
The term extended family is used to indicate the combination of two or more nuclear families based on an extension of the parent-child relationships. According to Murdck, an extended family consists of two or more nuclear families affiliated through an extension of the parent-child relationship … i.e. by joining the nuclear family of a married adult to that of his parents.
The patrilineally extended family is based on an extension of the father-son relationship, while the matrilineally extended family is based on the mother-daughter relationship.
The extended family may also be extended horizontally to include a group consisting of two or more brothers, their wives and children. This horizontally extended family is called the fraternal or collateral family. In India, the family weather extended vertically and/or horizontally is called the joint family. The joint family consists of a man and his wife and their adult sons, their wives and children and younger children of the paternal couple, says M.S. Gore.The size of joint family is very large. Generally, the eldest male is the head of the family.
Dependent family member means a natural, adoptive, or step-child, parent, or sibling of the institutionalized individual who is or could be claimed as a dependent for the most recent federal tax year by the institutionalized individual, the institutionalized individual's spouse, or the couple. Dependent family member of students and faculty/staff may use the facility during regular hours provided they are accompanied by the member.

Broken Family

A broken family can negatively affect all domains of your child’s development. The effects of a broken family on a child’s development depend on numerous factors, including the age of the child at the time of parents’ separation, and on the personality and family relationships. Although infants and young children may experience few negative developmental effects, older children and teenagers may experience some problems in their social, emotional and educational functioning.

A family is important because our mental growth, well-being, and stability all depend on our family. .This is the first social group that shapes the personality of an individual.The mission of our family is to create a nurturing place of faith, order, truth, love, happiness, and relaxation, and to provide opportunity for each individual to become responsibly independent, and effectively interdependent, in order to serve worthy purposes in society."

·         A family allows  all its members feel safe,  connected to one another, protected, accepted and loved despite our shortcomings.
·         Family provides comfort of having people during tough times, helping us to manage our stress.
·         Families are the basic units that teach children about relationships. Children brought up in a healthy family will be able to form better bonds outside their home.
·         Conflicts in family teach children a respectful way to resolve problems in the future.

·         A strong family is all a person needs to become confident in life.

What Are The Characteristics Of A Strong Family?

Each family is different. But all strong families have some common features. A few of them are listed below:

  Have good communication. A healthy family talks and listens to its every member.
· Share a feeling of togetherness. The members of the family share common beliefs and, therefore, feel connected to each other and yields psychological affirmation.
·  Spend time with each other. They enjoy playing, camping, dining out or simply discussing politics.
·   Show care and affection to every member. The members have kind words to say each other.
·   Support its members. The world might be against you, but your family is with you.
·   Focus on every member’s well-being. The family members work as a team to protect and provide for each other. Only the feeling of mutual love can motivate people into compromising on their comforts for the happiness of their family.
·   Show resilience. Every family goes through ups and downs in their lives and share a painful experience together.

How to Build Strong Family Relationships?

1. Spend quality time
2. Maintain good communication with everyone in the family
3. Appreciate everyone in the family
4. Acknowledge and celebrate each other’s talents, differences and strengths
5. Stay focused on the current problem
6. Work like a team
7. Establish clear family rules
8. Teach children to forgive and make amends


 A family constitutes people who are related to each other and share an emotional bond and similar valuesFamily members can be related by birth, marriage, or adoption Values, traditions and healthy relationships can strengthen a family bond. Family values are building blocks that provide strong moral and ethical principles for the entire family. It is helping to better each individual member within the family.

The family values are instilled for children such as love, guidance, care, motivation, morals, religion, education, traditions, marriage, consequences, and communication. Family values are intended to teach children, taught shapes their personality and as a source of guidance for life.

Values are often a guide for the decisions making in our life.

Every family will have follows different categories of values .
·  In home family members are obedient, kind, caring, compassionate, independent and responsible.”
·    A family values include social, political, religious, work, moral and      recreational values.
·    Create a positive environment.
·    Welcome new opinions.

·    An environment like this will encourage children to speak up without fear of judgment.