approach is new and ingenious. It is rich of enlightenment for the
understanding of the development of new media especially online games. It
helps to understand the virtualization of people's cultural life nowadaysit
helps to understand the entertainment and games of the contemporary
McLuhan observes that any medium
"amplifies or accelerates existing processes", "change of
scale or pace or shape or pattern into human association, affairs, and
action", More controversially, suggested that content had
little effect on society the effect of media is considerable McLuhan
pointed to the light bulb as an example. A light bulb does not have
content in the way that a newspaper has articles or a television has programs.
Yet it is a medium that has a social effect; that is, a light bulb enables
people to create spaces during night-time .
McLuhan says that we are fail in studying media, because we pay attention
to and focus on the content, which blinds them to see its actual character, the
psychic and social effects.
Impact on a society is not linear and
static, but multi-dimensional and dynamic as that medium interacts with other
media and as the society changes how it uses the medium.
Content is medium
McLuhan also says that a CHARACTERISTIC OF EVERY MEDIUM is
that its content is always another medium.The impact of each medium is somewhat
limited to the previous social condition,since it just adds itself to the
existing, amplifying existing processes. Therefore, different societies may be differently transformed by the same
Hot or Cool Media
McLuhan also stated that different
media invite different degrees of participation on the part of a person who
chooses to consume a medium.
Some media, such A movie is thus said by McLuhan to be "hot",
intensifying one single sense "high definition", demanding a viewer's
attention, enhance one single sense . "Any hot medium allows of
less participation than a cool one. Hot media are usually
sequential, linear and logical. They emphasize one sense over the others. For
this reason, hot media also include radio, as well as film, the lecture and photography
Cool media, on the other hand, they require more active participation on the
part of the user, including the perception of abstract patterning and
simultaneous comprehension of all parts. Therefore, according to McLuhan
cool media include television, as well as the seminar and cartoons.
Hot Medium
- extends single sense in high definition
- low in audience participation
- engenders specialization/fragmentation
- uniform, mechanical, extends space
- horizontally repetitive
Cool Medium
- low definition (less data)
- high in audience participation
- engenders holistic patterns
- tribalizes
- creates vertical associations
McLuhan thinks that game is also a
media; it is the extension of man and society.
The core of McLuhan’s theory, and the key idea to start with in explaining him,
is his definition of media as extensions of ourselves. Any extension,
whether of skin, hand, or foot, affects the whole psychic and social complex.
In McLuhan’s theory language too is a medium or technology because it is an
extension, or offering, of our inner thoughts, ideas, and feelings—that is, an
extension of inner consciousness.
Thus, spoken language is the key development in the evolution of human
consciousness and culture and the medium from which subsequent technological
extensions have evolved.Thus, make us aware of the implications of the
evolution toward the extension of collective human consciousness facilitated by
electronic media.
Media can “heat up” over time
Writing in the 1960s McLuhan
described television as a cool medium, but one could argue that television has
“heated up” since then as it has become more high definition and more
omnipresent. We do not use television today in the same way we used it in the
1950s and 1960s, when families frequently sat around the television watching
one show at a time. Now we have multiple televisions and other types of screens
(such as personal computers, laptops, cell phones, tablet computers) of
multiple sizes in multiple locations (including on our person) that are
available continuously to provide a stream of images, text, and other information
that we often attend to in a fragmentary and desultory manner. Therefore the
experience and effect of using electronic screen technology has heated up over
Global village
Electronic media create the “global village”, transforming us
into people who are complex, depth-structured and emotionally aware of our
interdependence with all of human society .
During the 1960’s and
1970’s, a Canadian literary scholar, Marshall McLuhan, who had a profound
understanding of electronic media and its impact on both popular culture and
society. It is a analytical theory.
It analysis of media
characteristics and the historical analysis of human perception.
Popular media content includes television
programming specially includes television programming are appear on the
surface. Multiple levels of meaning are often present and sophisticated
content itself is ambiguous (vague meaning to their content). They will have a
better chance to appealing to different audience. George Gerber distinguished
media by the cognitive process each required. He stressed how channels differ not only in
terms of their content but also in regarded to how they awaken and alter
thoughts and senses.
Medium theory focused on the medium characterization itself
rather than on what it conveys or how information is received. In medium theory
a medium is not only a news paper, Television, or the digital camera and so
forth. Rather it is the symbolic environment of any communicative
act. For instance the internet or blogs.
Assumption and
declaration of McLuhan Theory regarding medium:
1.Changes in communication technology inevitably produce profound changes
in both culture and society orders.
2.McLuhan argued
that technology inevitably
cause specific changes in how people think, in how society is
3.McLuhan proclaimed that the medium is the massage. In other words, new forms of media transform our experience of
ourselves and our society. The medium is message. We live in message. The
content of new medium is as old medium. This influence of new forms of
media(TV, Internet) is ultimately more important than the content that is
transmitted in its specific messages.
4. He suggested the term “global village”. It refers to the new form of social organization
that would inevitably emerge
electronic media tied the entire world into one great social,
political and cultural system.
5. McLuhan proclaimed
media to be the extension of the man. He argued that media quite
literally extended sight, hearing and touch through time and space
McLuhan work became more accepted within the media industries. It
aroused increasing criticism with in academia. The critics is found that his
ideas to diverse and inconsistent.
it also have a opinion that, this thinking was no meaning no
linear and logically inconsistent and random thoughts only.
His ideas were overly
speculative and empirically unverifiable cultivation analysis.
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