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Sunday, 25 March 2018

How to Face Interview

How to Face Interview People feel stressed as they hear about INTERVIEW. Most of them focus only on the questions to be answered in the Interview. But the interview is the test of not only knowledge but behaviour and honesty too.Go prepared Interview
Be articulate when you answer the questions - 

Research the Company
·         Do some homework, e.g. Find out about the company’s vision, goal, strategy, products, finances, departments, competitive advantages, competitors, the work culture and the management from the website. It will  impress your interviewers and show them how much you care.
·         You can find ways to show that you know your stuff during the interview.

Be thorough with your CV
·         You should be familiar with whatever is mentioned in the CV. Read it thoroughly so that you’re not puzzled by any question regarding your past employment and education.
Prepare to answer common questions.
·         Though each interview is different, there are some common interview questions and if you’re prepared for them,:introduce yourself
Prepare to ask at least two questions.
·         At the end of most interviews, your potential employers will ask you if you have any questions you want to ask them. You should prepare at least a handful of questions and pick the ones that are the most relevant to ask; this shows that you’ve done your research and are excited about the position.
·         Asking what your daily work life on the job would look like,
·         Asking about other ways you can get involved at the company in addition to the job description. For example, if you’re applying for a teaching job at the high school, you can ask if you can be involved in extracurricular activities too.

Dress professionally
·         The way you dress makes a statement about yourself. Avoid bright colours and loud jewellery.
·         Make sure to groom yourself well and to pay attention to your hygiene, too. If you don’t put time and effort into your appearance, it will show.

Facing an interview
·         Introduce yourself with confidence - “Self-introduction?” Prepare your Introduction & Key points. The introductory speech is your two minute opportunity to enlighten the interviewer about yourself and what you have to offer.   Smile, be natural and speak with confidence.
·         Even if you don’t feel confident, act as one emanating confidence. Your body language should be accurate and you should be making a positive impact during the interview.
·         Sit straight on the chair and look into the eyes of the interviewer. Remember, you’ve nothing to lose and go with that mind-set. This causes less palpable stress.
Speak as clearly and confidently as you can and make eye contact when you share your thoughts and ideas.     Practising saying what you have to say aloud can help you gain the confidence to be articulate during your interview. That said, you should make sure your words sound natural, not rehearsed.

Identify Achievements 

Employers want to know how hiring you will make their organisation better and contribute to their overall success. (Assuming you did your homework as suggested in point 1 you can offer examples of innovations, process improvements or revenue saving ideas that may be of interest).

·         Be Open and Honest 

When responding to the employer's questions, tell the truth! If you made a mistake, say it in a positive way, accept responsibility for it,

   Avoid sharing overly personal information. 

- Don’t talk about your significant other, your kids, or your personal problems at home; this shows that you’re not focused on the job and that you’re unprofessional. 

·    Make sure to thank your interviewers in person.

·         When the interview is over, show that you’re grateful for the fact that your interviewers took the time to meet with you and to get a chance to talk to you about Just say something simple like, “Thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me. This has been a wonderful opportunity and I really appreciate it.”
·         Don’t ask about the perks of the job before you’ve been given an offer. This will make it look like you’re more interested in vacation days than in working.

Even if your boss is a rude,    When asked a question, do not just jump to an answer just to avoid silence. Think, and then reply. It should appear that the answer is well thought through, rather than uncomfortably cobbled together. Lies can be caught if the interviewer pushes you a little
 mock interview of IAS

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