- What is the meaning of the term, Criticism?
- How do you respond to criticism in life?
- Are “criticism” and “satire” similar in meaning?
- Have you ever criticized anyone/ anything/ anyplace? (eg.how you criticize the present govt. regarding the demonetisation of rs.500 & rs1000 notes)
- Are you sensitive to criticism?
- What is the difference between ‘critic’ and ‘being criticized’?
- How far criticism affects our life?
- What do you mean by constructive criticism?
- How do we look at others who criticize us?
- To introduce the students to the sensitive area of criticism in their lives.
- To respond to it positively and adequately.
- To have an evaluation of criticism itself.
- 1. Criticism is defined as the part of evaluating or analyzing with knowledge and decorum.
- 2. “Criticism is disinterested endeavour to learn and propagate the best that is known and thought in the world”- Matthew Arnold.
- 3. Criticism is the art of interpretation.
Various aspects of Criticism-
10 points
4. Check whether criticism is valid
or invalid
1. Beliefs about criticism
Negative- rejection of yourself & stagnate
Positive- less stressful & vehicle of learning
Key terms: 1.Self-Table
Positive self talk vs Negative self-talk
2.Handling Criticism
1. Build Self confidence
can make you feel inferior without your consent.
2. ABC method:
- A-Activating event/ Situation
- B-Belief about that event
- C-consequences/outcome
3. Types of Criticism
- 1.Valid/Bonafide criticism (objective)
- 2.Invalid/unjustified criticism
- (subjective)
- 3.Vague criticism (subjective)
1.Do I hear the same criticism from more
than one person?
2.Does the critic know a great deal about
the subject?
3.Are the critic’s standards humorous and
4. Is the criticism really about me?
5. Is it important for me to resound to
the critcism?
Note: yes-Valid
5.Our response to criticism- 3 As
1.Awareness- ( What we do?)counter attacking/ silent
2.Assessment- valid/ invalid
3.Action (dealing assertively)-
ii) Admitting the truth (no apology)
& iii) Asking for feed back
Key term: Fogging
6. Our shortcomings in coping with criticism
- 1. Avoiding criticism( eg. I just don’t know what I am doing wrong)
- 2. Taking unfair criticism to heart.
- 3. Reacting aggressively to criticism
7. Self-Criticism
- *. We – tool (aware of our faults)
8. Giving Criticism
- Be specific
- Acknowledge the positive
- Keep calm
- Keep to the point
- Focus on behaviour, not on person
- Don’t use labels or stereotypes
9. Receiving Criticism
- Negative Assertion
- Fogging
- Negative Enquiry
10. Overcoming Formula
- To overcome difficult situation=
- Self esteem + Feed back+ ready to receive the criticism.
- Activity based teaching
- Teacher presentation:
of this unit
self esteem + self evaluation= to overcome criticism
views about ideal life ≫ What will other people think.
Recap the key terms-self table, Fogging negative Assertion, negative enquiry.
Transformation in our mindset.
unacceptable mindset to acceptable mindset)
Skills Diary
- Q.1 Are you put down by criticism? What were your reactions? Share your feeling with one/two incidents?
- Q.2 Have you corrected your mistakes after receiving criticism in your life?
- Q.3 Have you criticized others in a humorous and reasonable way? Explain with your experience?
- Q.4. Have you lost any of your behaviour because of your sensitive approach towards criticism?
Source : S.SUBADHRA,Assistant Professor of English,St.Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai
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