Field observation is useful for collecting
data and for generating hypotheses and theories. Like all qualitative
techniques, it is concerned more with description and explanation than with
measurement and quantification.
Field observations are
classified along two major dimensions:
(1) the degree to which the researcher
participates in the behavior under observation and
(2) the degree to which the
observation is concealed.
overt observation.
this situation, the researcher is identified when the study begins, and those
under observation are aware that they are being studied. Furthermore, the
researcher's role is only to observe, refraining from participation in the
process under observation.
overt participation
Quadrant 2 represents overt participation. In this
arrangement, those being observed also know the researcher, , the researcher goes beyond the observer
role and becomes a participant in the situation.
Covert observation
Quadrant 3 represents the
situation where the researcher's role is limited to that of observer, but
those under observation are not aware they are being studied.
Covert participation
Quadrant 4
represents a study in which the researcher participates in the process under
investigation but is not identified as a researcher. ex: a researcher wants to
observe and analyze the dynamics of writing comedy for television.
The researcher could choose the covert observer technique and pretend to be doing something else while actually observing the TV writing team at work.
The researcher could choose the covert observer technique and pretend to be doing something else while actually observing the TV writing team at work.
Advantages of Field
Field observation often helps the researcher define
basic background information necessary to frame a hypothesis and to isolate
independent and dependent variables. For example, a researcher interested in
how creative decisions in advertising are made could observe several
decision-making sessions to see what happens.
Field observations often make excellent pilot studies because they identify important variables and provide useful preliminary information.
In addition, since the data are gathered firsthand, observation is not dependent on the subjects' ability or willingness to report their behavior. For example, young children may lack the reading or verbal skills necessary to respond to a questionnaire concerning their TV viewing behavior, but such data are easily gathered by the observational technique.
Field observations often make excellent pilot studies because they identify important variables and provide useful preliminary information.
In addition, since the data are gathered firsthand, observation is not dependent on the subjects' ability or willingness to report their behavior. For example, young children may lack the reading or verbal skills necessary to respond to a questionnaire concerning their TV viewing behavior, but such data are easily gathered by the observational technique.
Field observation is particularly suitable for a study of the gatekeeping process in a network television news department because it is difficult to quantify gatekeeping.
Field observation may
also provide access to groups that would otherwise be difficult to observe or
examine. For example, a questionnaire sent to producers of X-rated movies
is not likely to have a high return rate.
An observer, however, may be able to establish mutual trust with such a group and persuade them to respond to rigorous questioning.
An observer, however, may be able to establish mutual trust with such a group and persuade them to respond to rigorous questioning.
Field observation is usually inexpensive. In
most cases, it requires only writing materials or a small audio or video
recorder. Perhaps the most noteworthy advantage of
field observation is that the study takes place in the natural setting of the
activity being observed and thus can provide data rich in detail and subtlety.
Many mass media situations, such as a family watching television, are complex and constantly subjected to intervening influences. field observation allows observers to identify these otherwise unknown variables.
Many mass media situations, such as a family watching television, are complex and constantly subjected to intervening influences. field observation allows observers to identify these otherwise unknown variables.
Disadvantages of
Field Observations
On the negative side, field observation is a
poor choice if the researcher is concerned with external validity. Validation
is difficult partly because the representativeness of the observations made is
potentially questionable and partly because of problems in sampling.
Observing the TV viewing behavior of a group of children at a daycare center can provide valuable insights into the social setting of television viewing, but it probably has little correlation with what preschoolers do in other places and under different circumstances.
Besides, since field observation relies heavily on a researcher's perceptions and judgments and on preconceived notions about the material under study, experimenter bias may favor specific preconceptions of results, while observations to the contrary are ignored or distorted. Potential bias is why it is rare to use only one observer in a field observation study—observations should be cross-validated by second or third observers.
Observing the TV viewing behavior of a group of children at a daycare center can provide valuable insights into the social setting of television viewing, but it probably has little correlation with what preschoolers do in other places and under different circumstances.
Besides, since field observation relies heavily on a researcher's perceptions and judgments and on preconceived notions about the material under study, experimenter bias may favor specific preconceptions of results, while observations to the contrary are ignored or distorted. Potential bias is why it is rare to use only one observer in a field observation study—observations should be cross-validated by second or third observers.
Finally, field
observations suffer from the problem of reactivity. The very process of being
observed may influence the behavior under study. Of course, reactivity can be a
problem with other research methods, but it is most often mentioned as a
criticism of field observation
Additionally, among those who reported an observer effect, there were no
systematic differences in the distribution of changes. About the same number
said that they watched more because of the observer as said they watched less.
Obviously, additional studies of different groups in different settings are needed before this problem is fully understood, but Lull's data suggest that although reactivity is a problem with observational techniques, its impact may not be as drastic as some suggest.
Obviously, additional studies of different groups in different settings are needed before this problem is fully understood, but Lull's data suggest that although reactivity is a problem with observational techniques, its impact may not be as drastic as some suggest.
In any case, at least two strategies are
available to diminish the impact of selective perception and reactivity. One
is to use several observers to cross-validate the results. A second strategy
is triangulation, or supplementing observational data with data gathered by
other means (for example, questionnaires or existing records). Accuracy is
sought by using multiple data collection methods.
Field Observation Techniques
There are at least six stages in a typical
field observation study: choosing the research site, gaining access, sampling,
collecting data, analyzing data, and exiting.
Choosing the Research
Site. The nature of the research question or area of inquiry
usually suggests a behavior or a phenomenon of interest.Possible research venues
can be identified from personal experience, from talking with other
researchers, from interviews with people who frequent the site, or from
newspaper and magazine stories.
Gaining permission to conduct field observation
research requires persistence and public relations skills. Researchers must decide
how much to disclose about the nature of the research.
After the contact is
made, rapport must be established with the subject(s)
Identify the scene's gatekeeper and attempt to persuade him or her of
the project's relevance.
Find a sponsor who can vouch for the usefulness of the project and can
help locate participants.
Negotiate an agreement with participants.
Sampling. Sampling in
field observation is more ambiguous than in most other research approaches.
First, there is the problem of how many individuals or groups to observe. The research problem and the goals of the study are
indicators of the appropriate sample size; for example, if the results are
intended for generalization to a population, studying one subject or group is
Maximum variation sampling: Settings, activities, events, and informants
are chosen purposefully to yield as many different and varied situations as
Exiting. A researcher acting as a participant must have
a plan for leaving the setting or the group under study.
Field Observation Online
In the physical world, field observation entails
watching people behave in their normal surroundings. In the online world, field
observation usually means observing text and images on a computer screen.
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